Gillius's Programming



Jason Winnebeck ("Gillius")

Programmer, Designer, Concept, Sound

Jon Hilliker

Sound Effects, Concept

Justin Jackson



About DeathWorms
System Requirements
Source Code

About DeathWorms

Game Objective

Blast the other worms to oblivion by trying to cut them off. When a worm runs into a line, the side of a screen, or a mortar crater, it for some reason unbeknownst to the game authors, dies. The last worm to have survived this extreme carnage is the winner worm. Ironically due to the fact the screen is such a limited size it would've filled up the screen with its own line and killed itself anyways given enough time. . . So no one REALLY wins at DeathWorms but the game keeps track anyways ;). You may have noticed that this is a blatant rip off of the game/movie Tron. You must be horribly mistaken. I would never do such a thing! Oh by the way be sure to avoid those nasty craters. In case you didn't know you are in the middle of a battlefield of an unknown war being fought by unknown people for an unknown reason.

I decided to start this project when I saw a Tron clone and said "I can do that better in 20 minutes!" Well that clone was REALLY REALLY bad and I did do better in 20 minutes, but after that my friends and I REALLY started to enjoy the game and they requested feature after feature so I just kept adding on to the game.. We could have continued to add forever but we have to stop somewhere ;). This was the end result of a LOT of free time at college!


System Requirements




There are no known bugs as of yet in DeathWorms. If you do find any bugs please email me. If you are having problems running the game make sure you have the latest sound and video drivers installed, and DirectX 6.1 or above. If you get a "resolution not supported" error from the screen size you pick, simply restart DeathWorms and pick a correct one. Another issue happens if you remove a joystick. If your player was setup to use a certain joystick number and you remove it, you will need to edit the controls or the player cannot control his worm.

Installation Instructions

Unzip the file into a new directory. Just run DeathWorms.exe and that's it! Further instructions on playing the game and setting up after install are found in the readme file.


Version 1.0

Download Full Version 1.0 (377k)

Source Code

The source code to DeathWorms is freely availble. I will admit that when I first started this project I was not hardly serious about it at all, so it was not designed well -- but it is fully functional and not so bad that it's shameful ;), but keep that in mind if you wanting to learn from this.

Download Source Code