These manipulators are used with cout along
with the rest of the output varaibles. For example
cout << endl;
ends the line, can be used even after many other
(cout << "Hi!"
<< endl;)
Manipulator | Purpose |
ws | Turn on whitespace skipping on input |
dec | convert next var to decimal |
oct | to octal |
hex | to hexadecimal |
endl | ends the line (same as \n) |
ends | insert NULL character |
flush | updates monitor |
lock | lock file handle |
unlock | unlock file handle |
A short explanation of flush: cout.flush() and cout << flush do the same thing. On some compilers, the output is "line buffered," which means nothing is displayed until an endl or flush is reached -- this is to increase text speed. If output needs to be displayed without ending the line, use << flush or cout.flush() command.