Gillius's Programming

Yes, I'm aware some of the very old polls on this page don't display properly.

Location poll was taken down on 12/11/04 and was probably up for a year or two (yeah, I'm lazy).

What part of the world do you live in?
North America (673) ***************** 34%
South America (95) ** 4%
Europe (712) ****************** 36%
Africa (63) * 3%
West/North Asia (like Russia) (20) 1%
East/South Asia (like India and Japan) (184) **** 9%
Australia/Indonesia (115) ** 5%
Middle East (74) * 3%
Other (34) 1%
Votes: 1970.


Site Content
What have you come here to see?
GNE (142) **** 16%
Itana (12) 1%
Tutorials (516) ****************** 58%
Java (70) ** 7%
BGui2 (22) 2%
Deathworms (29) 3%
Other Game (20) 2%
Other Program or Library (38) 4%
Something else (37) 4%
Votes: 886.

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Programming Experience
How much programming experience do you have?

None (64) ********** 13%
Little (6 mos) (91) *************** 19%
Learning (1 year) (102) ***************** 21%
Some (2-3 years) (109) ****************** 23%
A lot (4-6 years) (52) ******** 10%
Professional (6-10 years) (26) *** 5%
Carpal Tunnel (over 10 years) (29) **** 6%
Total: 473 votes.

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Operating System
Which operating system do you primarily use?

Windows 9x (430) *********************************************************** 22%
Windows NT/2k (331) ********************************************* 17%
Linux (414) ********************************************************* 21%
other UNIX (720) ************************************************************************ 37%
BeOS (13) * 0%
Other (32) *** 1%
Total: 1940 votes.
I don't get this poll much. When I started it Win9x completely dominated the list, then for some reason Linux doubled that and now other UNIX wins out. I don't completely trust the accuracy of this poll. The only way I could explain the sudden shifts is since I had this poll up for over a year I didn't start developing for *nix until afterwards so possibly my site suddenly attracted the attention of the UNIX/Linux community.

What do you value most in any game? You may vote a few times if you value certain qualities equally

Graphics/Sound (5)******** 7%
Gameplay (19)****************************** 29%
Plot (8)************* 12%
Replayablity (2)*** 3%
Interaction (AI) (19)*******SRC="grfx/bar.gif"*********** 12%
Something Else (1)** 1%
Total: 64 votes.

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I was surprised to see that the AI came out to be important at all, espically compared to multiplayer!

Intel CPU IDs
How do you feel about Intel's new CPU tracking IDs?

They violate my privacy (105)******************************************************************* 67%
It's a good idea to allow businesses to track their computers (5)***** 19%
Total: 156 votes.

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This came out much as I expected.

OOPS! I lost the FPS gaming poll! But I remember that out of 198 people, Half-Life was the winner, with the runner-up being Duke3D. Almost all people voted with either Duke or Half-Life, with HL winning by about 5%. Personally I like Half-Life and Duke, but I expected people to go after Quake3 or Unreal Tournament. Looks like gamers really do want something more than a hold-down-the-trigger-forever-no-skill fest like Quake.

Which C/C++ compiler do you use the most?

MSVC++ (129)*********************************** 34%
Borland (Windows) (73)******************** 19%
Borland (DOS) (36)********** 9%
GCC/DJGPP (112)** 1%
Other (15)**** 4%
Total: 372 votes.

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These results were as expected with MSVC comming out on top and DJGPP following close behind. This of course does not represent everyone in general since this site's focus is on DJGPP/Allegro.