Gillius's Programming

Chapter III -- Using OOP

A Real Programming Example

Let's say we want to program a card deck for a simple blackjack game we are programming. Remember containership and inheritance? Let's think about the types of parts that make up a deck -- and those are the cards. Since all of the cards are very similar in structure, we could use a struct to represent a single card:

enum Suit {Clubs, Spades, Diamonds, Hearts};
struct Card {
  Suit suit;
  char digit;

A note on the digit. If digit <= 10, then it is a number, else it is the letter of the card (J, Q, K, A). You could also use it as a number 1(ace) through 13(king) as well, perhaps if you were using the card value in additions or such.

A simple object, the card deck only has one type of item. Now let's think about the types of actions you can perform on the deck, and then make a class declaration out of this list, as well as using the previously declared data.

class Deck {
  void CreateDeck();//Fills array with legal cards
  void Shuffle();   //Shuffles those cards
  Card DrawCard();  //Gets a card from the deck
  Card cards[52];

Now we have considered all of the things we may need to use a card deck. The programmer first sets up the deck with CreateDeck(), then whenever needed can Shuffle() the deck, and when the dealer deals a card, it can be picked up using DrawCard(), and then perhaps placed in the players hand (which could also could be a class too) or whatever the programmer needs to do with it.

Constructors and Destructors

I'm not going to write all of the code for this class. Instead I'll leave it open as an exercise to practice on working with classes. But let's focus on the CreateDeck() function for now. You may have already noticed that variables aren't being properly pre-initalized. In C this was easy since all variables were public, and you could simply zero them out, but in classes, some of the members are private. Now what? The programmer could call the CreateDeck() function, but even so, if the programmer forgets to do this the rest of the functions could crash the program. C++'s solution to this is called the constructor. A constructor is the function which allocates memory for the object as well as initalizing it. Every variable in C++ has a constructor, even the basic types, but the compiler takes care of these issues for you. However with classes, even though the compiler can allocate memory for you, it will not initalize them, so the remain undefined, as with any other variable. Also, when the variable goes out of scope, the memory needs to be deleted, requireing the constructors counterpart, the destructor.

A constructor is declared by creating a function by the same name as the class. The destructor has the same name, except with a ~ (the tlide key, next to the 1) in front of it. Below is the modified Deck class which takes advantage of C++ constructors and destructors. The array change to a pointer is to allow for dynamic memory allocation using the new command, to show a very common use of the constructor and destructor:

class Deck {
       Deck();      //Constructor
       ~Deck();     //Destructor
  void CreateDeck();//Fills array with legal cards
  void Shuffle();   //Shuffles those cards
  Card DrawCard();  //Gets a card from the deck
  Card* cards;

Notice that obviously the constructor does not return anything, since it is an "invisible function" which is automatically called when you make the statement Deck MyCardDeck;. The same is true for the destructor, which is called when the variable goes out of scope. Below is an example of how to define and code a constructor, where the array is allocated and the data is initalized, and the destructor compliment, which cleans up what the constructor did:

Deck::Deck() {
  cards = new Card[52];//Allocate memory
  CreateDeck();        //Set up the deck
Deck::~Deck() {
  delete[] cards;      //Deallocate memory

Notice that all methods and members of the class are available in the constructor and destructor, just as in every other function., executable in any DOS compiler or console mode win32 compiler shows exactly when these functions are called, and also shows many other concepts which will be explained later in this tutorial.

If you have never seen the new/delete combonation, I suggest reading the Dynamic Memory Allocation section in the C/C++ tutorial.

Passing Data to the Constructor and Overloaded Functions

Let's return to our earler counter example which did not have a constructor but which really needed one, or at least a SetCounter() function. We can create a constructor to start the counter at zero, as well as starting it off at a value the user can enter:

class Counter {
       Counter();      //basic constructor
       Counter(int x); //set the counter
       SetCount(int x);//sets the count
  void Count() {CurrentCount++;}
  int  ReadDisplay() {return CurrentCount;}
  int  CurrentCount;

Some of you who don't know about overloaded functions may think two Counter() functions is an error, but it's not! In C++, two functions with the same name can be declared (this applies everywhere, not just classes), as long as the compiler can descern between which function is being called. In the case of the constructor, you must use this feature since the constructor must be the same name as the class. Also note that a destructor was not declared since there is nothing we need to clean up -- the compiler already has a default destructor for the int data type (CurrentCount). Let's see how we should write the code for these functions:

Counter::Counter() {
Counter::Counter(int x) {
Counter::SetCount(int x) {
  CurrentCount = x;

After seeing it in code, things become a little clearer. You can overload as many times as you want to pass different things into the constructor, just be sure that they have a different number of parameters. It is technically possible to have them with the same number, but since some basic data types can change into others (like int to float or similar), the function call becomes ambigous, and the compiler doesn't know which to use and generates an error -- so it's best just to steer clear of overloaded functions of the same number of parameters.

Data Hiding Revisited

You may wonder why I went through the trouble of calling SetCount() from the constructor functions, and the reason is data hiding. You may understand now why to hide data from the outside -- but now the inside? It may seem a little riduclous but imagine our card deck example, when I mentioned two possible formats in the deck. Well what if I decided, because of some reason that I wanted to store the text representation of the counter, for easy display on a webpage or something similar, rather than in a native computer form. If I had used CurrentCount in all three of the above functions, I would have to rewrite three functions to compensate for the change. But instead I used SetCount(), so I would now only have to rewrite one.

Of course this is a small example and that wouldn't be much hassle, but imagine if I had a medium sized to large class of 20 or more functions and 5 or so variables, and I used the most direct route. That's a lot to change, and I myself have encountered times where I had classes this large or larger in my Project V2143 game where I wanted to change the way the data was stored, say in the terrain, or in the save game file, I would have to rewrite all my functions again. Then I started calling functions like I did above and then when I changed formats, all I had to do was change 5 or so lines out of my tens of thousands to make a major change to the game, and that was a good feeling not having to recode all of my stuff again.

So even though it looks a little silly and out-of-the-way, doing it the above way will end up saving you a lot of time in the long run, as I had to learn the hard way myself. This is the main downfall of OOP, calling the functions and going the longer route through one set of code instead of reworking the same set over and set is slower because you can't optimize as much, as well as the overhead of calling the functions. But it's worth saving a few hours of programming time for that extra .05 or .1fps gain you get in the end -- and me, being the speed freak I am, had to accept that. You would be surprised how much speed you could pull out of the computer if you spent the time optimizing -- but at some point your effort doesn't make up for the extra execution speed, and that's your decision to make.

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Chapter IV -- Inheritance and Containership

Building Cars

As you recall from the previous lession, containership is the method of OOP where classes contain other classes. Remember back about the keyboard. Key objects made up the keyboard object, and there are also light objects. Since the keys are very similar we can make them all into one class, and the three LED lights in another, all contained within a keyboard class. Another good example would be modeling a car, with an engine, four wheels, and two doors. For simplicity we will model the enigne and the wheels all as one class, as they are directly connected. Don't get caught up in these classes' complexities but instead try to look at them at an abstract level. They are this complex so you can get a "real life" feel for OOP containership. Here are the prototypes:

class Engine {
              Engine();   //Sets variables to an idle engine

         void Start();    //Starts the engine
         void Stop();     //Shuts off engine

         void Accel();    //increase throttle
         void Deccel();   //decrease throttle

         void Update();   //Advance engine a logic frame
         void Calculate();
           //Called by Update to calculate the physics
           // for everything below

        float throttle; //% throttle
        float rpms; //Speed of the engine
          int gear; //Current gear
        float rotspd;//Wheel rotation speed
        float spd;  //Wheel horizontal velocity

class Door {
       Door();//Sets up for a closed door

  void Update();  //Checks for user input
  void OpenDoor();//Opens door only if closed, else nothing
  void CloseDoor();//Opposite to OpenDoor()

  bool open;      //Is door open

class Car {
          void Update(); //Check user input
        Door   doors[2];
        Engine motor;

int GetUserInput(); //returns accelerate or deccelerate

const int accelerate  = 1; //for example
const int deccelerate = 2;

void Car::Update() {
  int action = GetUserInput(); //The int could be an enums or
                               //  a keyboard scancode.
  if (action == accelerate)
  if (action == deccelerate)

  motor.Update();    //Allow Engine to calculate data
  doors[0].Update(); //Allow Door to get input AND calculate

These prototypes show some of the data typically used in a full-scale program. A class like the engine class would be used in a simulation program/game, in coordination with seperate wheel and gear classes, so to modify your car you could pull out a gear object and replace it with any gear object and the car will reactly perfectly to the new gear without modifing a single line of code (think of racing games where you can customize your car -- each item could be its own class, or the same class with different data sets).

Object Interaction/Control

This program also shows two methods of object interaction/control. Car could act like a "mother object," reading the input from the user and calling the appropriate functions, as it will have to do with Engine, it will check the pedal and adjust the throttle for Engine, rather than Engine doing that. Car does not keep track of Door, since Door checks the user input in its update function. In the latter method, Car simply acts as a hub for the objects, so that when you create a new Car, all of the right parts will come with it, and its Update() would simply call of its member classes' Update()s.

Making the desicion between these two methods is a matter of complexity and preference. If you have too many ways to manipulate an object, Car's Update() will become much too bulky, much more espically if Car has its own things to do, like read the final speed of the engine/wheels so it can update its position on the screen. It is also a matter of preference since you can have all of the control code in Car() rather than separated into its children classes. Most of the time I personally prefer separating the control into the respective objects.

The entire concept also brings up the concept of multitasking. Notice that when we call the Car.Update(), it in turn calls Engine.Update() and Door.Update(). Each object has its turn to "do its thing," and in this you can model many many objects, calling update each frame in a loop. It is also usually best to separate input/calculation from output, since video/sound are tasks all by themselves, and you may need to skip drawing to the screen every logic frame to keep the program running on same speeds on all computers (this will be discussed in the game programming tutorial). You may also have a few other "global" functions such as Save() and Load() if you want to use files. This way all objects will have a common interface (which will be essental in the virtual functions lesson). Consider this "generic" class:

class Object {
  Object();   //Set up acceptable defaults, alloc mem
  ~Object();  //Deallocate memory if any was reserved
  void Init();//Sends unique data for this instance
  bool Update();//returns true if the object needs to be killed
  void Draw();//If graphical, displays itself to user
  void Save(int file);//Pass a file descriptor and save
  void Load(int file);//Read Init() info from a file
  //Object data would go here

The word instance as used above means "variable," referring to the specific created object. To explain: the code Object obj; creates one instance and Object obj2; creates another, so I meant that each instance will have separate data, loaded through the Init() member function.

Also usually the Update function is a bool, in case the object needs to terminate itself. In a game this could be an object which has detected that its life is below zero (and therefore dies), or in other applications, it could be a window/message which only displays itself for a few seconds and then dissapears.


As I said eariler, all objects will come from this generic class. This style of OOP is called inheritance, which inherits the traits of the class before it, from which it is derived. However, since the Object class had no real code, deriving classes from it would be redundant, so let's create another, more specific bass class, this time for a window, which has the properties of all windows (this is an Animal->Feline->Cat->Siamese Cat type of relationship as discussed before). A window in its most basic form is simply a box on the screen, and so far does not differ from anything already discussed:

class Window {
  Window() : x(0), y(0), w(5), h(5) {}
    //Choose acceptable defaults
  Window(int x2, y2, w2, h2) : x(x2), y(y2), w(w2), h(h2) {}
    //Combo constructor and Init()
  ~Window() {} //No destructor code needed
    //But we declare it for completeness
  void Init(int, int, int, int);
  void Draw();
  bool Update();
  int x, y; //Upperleft coords
  int w, h; //width and height
Window::Draw() {
  //Uses graphics routines to draw a box from (x,y)-(x+w,y+h)
Window::Update() {
  //You could place mouse input here to detect a resize
Window::Init(int x2, int y2, int w2, int h2) {
  x = x2; y = y2; w = w2; h = h2;

I take a moment to discuss some of the more "hidden" capabilities of C++ before moving back to inheritance. Notice that Init() in its declaration did not declare names but instead just a data type. Since this is all the compiler needs to know this is perfectly acceptable, and the names can be delcared later in the Init() implementation (its code).

Initalizer Lists

You also may wonder about the strange format the constructor is in. This is called an intializer list, and in fact is a concept of OOP, which will become clearer later, but what this does is call the constructors for the members (remember earlier it was stated that all variables have constructors), and also, they are not all required -- you can construct as many here as you want. Window() with the four parameters operates exactly like Init(), and you may wonder the difference, and this is optimization. Depending on your optimizer, these constructor lists could become a set "block" of memory, so that when constructer the computer simply copies this preset object linearly rather than creating a new object and setting each variable separately (as Init() does). Initalizer lists are the only way to use mutliple parameter constructors on objects, as you see in the next example.


Now given this Window class, we can derive different types of Windows from this. Let's say we like our Window, except we also would like to add a title bar which we can use to drag the window around with. Normally we would create a completely separate class with virtually the same code -- but that would be a waste of time and executable size in redundant code. We would use inheritance to make this task simpler by simply adding to the previous class:

class BarWindow : public Window {
  BarWindow() : thick(5) {}
    //Default Window() will be called, so its unnessacary to call it here
  BarWindow(int x, int y, int w, int h, int thick2)
    : Window(x, y, w, h), thick(thick2) {}
  //Remember C++ is whitespace insensitive, so the above two lines
  // will work as it is read as one
  void Init(int x, int y, int w, int h, int thick2);
  void Draw();
  bool Update();
  int thick; //thickness of the bar in pixels
BarWindow::Init(int x, int y, int w, int h, int thick2) {
  Window::Init(x, y, w, h); //Call Window's Init
  thick = thick2;           //Init additional info
BarWindow::Update() {
  //Check the mouse to see if it drags the bar
  Window::Update(); //Pass control to basic Window
BarWindow::Draw() {
  Window::Draw(); //Create the basic box which will act as
                  // a background for the bar
  //Here we will use a box graphics func to draw the bar

This class becomes a derived class through the ": public Window" after its name. The colon simply separates the two sections, and the public keyword signifies how the variables are handled in the base class. 99% of the time you will use public, and its behavior will be discussed later. If you use a comma and put in more classes (like "class BarWin : public Window, public Bar"), you can do multiple inheritance. I personally have never used it and it will not be discussed in this tutorial except for this small sidenote.

Using Derived Classes

When using inheritence, the scope resolution operator becomes much more important. Without we could only call this class's Init(), but with Window:: we tell the compiler to call the function from the class we are derived from.

Constructors working in inhertance always call the lowest level first, and destructors work in the opposite order, so when BarWindow() is called by the statment "BarWindow my_win;", first Window() is called then BarWindow(). When the object goes out of scope and is destructed, ~BarWindow() is called first then ~Window(). The best way to look at this is with a pyramid -- the base brick is the first brick to be built and the others are layed on top. When you take apart the pyramid the blocks on top come off first. This "pyramid" can be build as high as you need it.

With all of this new syntax, you may wonder how to use these objects in your program. Really nothing changes. Note the loop updates the menus and draws them until the program is over, which operates all of the menus:

#include <conio.h>
void main() {
  Window myBasicWin; //Default constructor call
  Window myBasicWin2(10, 10, 200, 200); //Specific coordinates
  myBasicWin.Init(20, 20, 300, 300); //Change position
  BarWindow myBarWin; //Same thing
  BarWindow myBarWin2(10, 10, 200, 200, 10); //Init
  myBarWin.Init(20, 20, 300, 300, 15);
  myBarWin.Window::Init(20, 20, 300, 300);
    //If we specify we can call Window's too!
  while (!kbhit()) { //Until user presses a key
    myBasicWin.Draw();  //Show the menu

The scope resolution operator will work like above for any member or method of the class, assuming it is public. If it is only in the base class (let's say Window had a close() but BarWindow did not), the scope resolution operator is not needed -- BarWindow.close() would work and call the function from Window. If close() existed in BarWindow you need the operator to call the function from Window. The exact same thing applies to variables (you could say myBarWin.Window::h if it was public).

Data Hiding in Inheritance

Private variables and methods are seen only the class they are declared in, but sometimes you want to give derived classes the right to access the variable or method while blocking others out. To do this you use keyword protected, rather than making the variable or method private. This allows derived classes to access the variable, and when the class is derived as public, as in the previous example, the derived class accepts that. If the class was declared like "class BarWindow : private Window" then it could not see the protected variables/methods. Below is a chart showing what you can access and when:

Where you can access variables/methods declared in a class
  Public Protected Private
Base (original class) yes yes yes
Derived Classes yes yes (if derived as public) no
Outside yes no no

This may be slightly early for this, so don't worry about memorizing this now -- come back after you make your first inherited class and check this for reference.

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Proceed to Chapter V -- Advanced OOP